September 8th, 2008
Surf Photographer – Ray Collins
You gotta check out Ray Collins‘ work, really cool! Tim Fisher, Editor of Australia’s Surfing Life Mag (ASL) writes…
"Working for a surf mag, one of the best parts of the job is getting a random submission from a photographer you haven’t heard from before whose talent smacks you straight in the face. It doesn’t happen often, but young Ray was definitely the find of the year for ASL, catching our attention with an out-of-the-blue email holding some of the hands down best shots from the best run of swell we saw in 2007. Those images showed that not only can the kid swim, he’s well and truly got the eye, and I’ve seen nothing from Ray since that suggests otherwise. Thoughtful, creative, and always looking for a different way to display what he sees in front of him, Ray’s talent will see his photos in Surfing Life for years to come whether he’s shooting his own backyard or stretching his wings."