February 4th, 2012
Project Water
We’ve been informed about an interesting new charitable venture called Project Water: The goal of Project Water is to create a fine art book of images that showcase the relationship between humans and water. They are asking for photographers to submit their work to the project via the website at theprojectwater.com. Only a few of the images will be published in the book. The book will be sold with 100% of the net profits going to water.org and the blood:water mission to help solve the global water and sanitation crisis.
"Project Water is a global art project sponsored by MUSEA. The goal of Project Water is to create a body of work that deals with the relationships between water and humans…"
We are asking photographers to submit old or new work that illustrates the interdependence between humans and water. The subject matter for the photos can vary widely, so we suggest focusing on a narrow niche within the water theme. A few examples are water parks, bottled water, dirty water, how much water Americans use on a daily basis, floods, droughts, etc. There are a lot of angles for you to take this topic and we are just as excited about seeing water issues in India as we are in Ohio. Wherever you live shoot what is relevant to your life and what excites you most.
One of the core beliefs of MUSEA is that photography has the power to change the world and we want to demonstrate that through our annual global photography projects. In 2012 we will announce a new project with a different topic. The proceeds from each project will go to non-profits that are devoted to the same issue. MUSEA believes that art is most powerful when it’s used to create change in philosophies and in the physical lives of others."
Deadline: The Project Water ends on July 31st, 2012 at 11:59 pm PST.
An archive of all the photos submitted can be found at: http://theprojectwater.com/archive
There’s not much in the way of ‘surf’ photography in there (to say the theme is water!), so would be nice to see some in the mix! We did find a few from Lucia Griggi though… Click the photos to go and ‘vote’ for them…
– Every 20 seconds, a child dies from a water-related disease.
– About 80% of sewage in developing countries is discharged untreated.
– More people have cell phones than access to a decent toilet.
– 3.6 million people die each year from water-related diseases.
– Less than 1% of the world’s fresh water is readily accessible for direct human use.
– The average American uses 100 gallons of water per day; the average African uses 12 gallons per day.
– Nearly 1 billion people lack access to safe water.
– Millions of women and children spend several hours a day collecting water from distant, often polluted sources.
See more videos at: http://theprojectwater.com/resources
Follow Project Water on Twitter: http://twitter.com/PROJECT__WATER