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John Olvey

Surf Artist

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John Olvey

Corpus Christi, Texas

John is a first generation Texan who currently lives on the Texas Rivera. His first surf art experiences were building kit boards and later taking every art class available at school. He studies art at the University of Houston graduating with a business degree that gave him a career in purchasing, materials management, construction, consulting and sales.

John has retired from a 40 year competitive career in surfing after winning seventeen State Surfing Championships and three U.S. National Amateur titles. John also served on the National board of directors for amateur surfing many state association positions and as an officer for the U.S. Surfing Federation. John is dedicated to the lifestyle and the sport as few are. He put in a lot of time and effort. He still balances surfing with his competitive drive today. The rewards found in fine art have replaced a podium trophy. The judges are many more and they all remain very subjective.

John now focuses on the Art of Surf. He combines saltwater, acrylic and soul when creating artistic expressions of his surfing lifestyle. John is excited about sculpting surfboards, making miniature surfboards and 1940s era hula doll reproductions. He has successfully moved the art forms into mainstream awareness. Because he fears no media and knows complicated molding techniques, and a variety of exotic finishes, he can combine multiple techniques into a single work. The dimension and architecture of a surfboard adding to the real history of the board being used makes for wonderful art. Many pieces are recycled boards. These unique boards have won awards in painting. They have also been accepted in State juried shows and National juried shows. His non surfboard paintings vary from traditional land and seascapes, new points of view, and fantasy-scapes.

Today John is a Sunday school leader for his church and "the resident artist". He devotes time to fundraising for all the Texas Surfrider Chapters and has helped raise thousands of dollars thru underwriting painting events and the donation of painted and sculpted surfboards.

Being part of the Club Of The Waves is an exciting chapter of this career. You can't keep this stoke unless you share it and this venue is such an opportunity.

Visit the new website www.johnolveyart.com

Click the surfboards to see them enlarged…
