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Gaston Locklear

Surf Artist

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Gaston Locklear

South Carolina, USA

I moved to the Coast when I was 10 years old and began surfing quickly after. Surfing became my life and I found myself drawing little surf scenes on every schoolbook and notebook I had. I moved from a pencil to a paintbrush experimenting with watercolors, then acrylics and finally moving to oils, which has become my medium of choice. After graduating from The University of South Carolina with a degree in art I focused my life around the two things I love most, surfing and painting. Traveling around the world, working for different surfboard shapers, and catching world-class waves has enabled me to combine these two loves. These experiences ultimately make it onto a canvas as memories stirred up by old photos, conversations, or familiar tunes from a recent excursion. Everything influences my work from the old masters like Gaugin and Klimt to modern art, graphic design and pop culture. In my paintings I try to capture more than just the sensation of riding waves but the entire surfing lifestyle.
