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Andrew Shield has a stellar reputation in the surfing industry. Consistently ranked as the top photographer in monitored media meters (ASB magazine); Shieldsy's work speaks speaks for itself.
Andrew Shield enjoys a solid bond with surfers, magazine teams and industry people alike. His friendly nature and natural charm has ensured that Shieldsy is one of the most liked and well-respected photographers in the business.
The spectacular Andrew Shield - is there anything this man can't do? A technically brilliant world traveller, whose images have inspired a generation of surfers to get out and surf the world like he has. It doesn't matter what the job is; whether it's a product shoot, portrait, landscape or line-up, he has rightly earned his reputation as Australia's most versatile and creative action sports photographer. So, back to the question, is there anything this man cannot do? Yes indeed - he cannot shoot mediocre photos.
Jimmy O'Keefe, ex-Editor, Australia's Surfing Life magazine